Flame Resistance
Sweating Guarded Hotplate ( SGHP )
The Sweating Guarded Hotplate, often referred to as the "skin model", produces accurate, repeatable measurements of the thermal resistance and vapor permeability of textiles in accordance with:
ISO 11092
ISO 13029
ASTM F1868
NFPA 1971
EN 31092
GB/T 11048-2008
The SGHP-8.2 and SGHP-10.5 systems include hotplate with variable speed airflow hood, gravity-fed fluid supply system, computer and ThermDAC control software, plus temperature and humidity probes.
Sweating Dynamic Hotplate (isDHP/SDHP)
Our Integrated Chamber features insulated stainless steel interiors and an ergonomic design that provides operators with a comfortable working height of approximately 42" (107cm) above the floor. This compact environmental chamber for the SGHP-8.2 and SGHP-10.5 hotplates provided steady-state test conditions of 10°C to 40°C, at 30% to 70% RH - ideal for sweating hotplate tests per ISO 11092, ASTM F1868, and other test standards.
Dry Guarded Hotplate
The GHP-8.2 and GHP-10.5 guarded hotplates are cost effective instruments designed to measure the thermal resistance of fabrics in accordance with ASTM D1518 and other standards.
Accurate measurements of temperature and plate heat flux are used to calculate steady-state thermal resistance for textile samples or insulation batting. A fabric mesh hood provides uniform ambient conditions without the need for an environmental chamber.
Drying Rate Tester 201
Thermetrics new Drying Rate Tester 201 (DRT201) determines the drying rate of a fabric based on the evaporative rate that occurs when a predetermined amount of water is absorbed into a fabric that is positioned upon a heated plate set to human skin temperature, and then dried with constant controlled airflow.
Togmeter System
Togmeter Test System (TOG) is designed to produce accurate, repeatable measurements of the thermal resistance of textiles and similar materials under steady-state conditions.
The Togmeter adds a host of advanced features to bring Togmeter testing into alignment with today’s demanding expectations. The device includes a temperature-controlled test plate, cabinet housing with airflow, temperature sensors, a user-friendly method for height adjustment of the plates, laptop PC, and exclusive ThermDAC control software.
Togmeter System
The ST-2XL Comfort Test System is a device developed to support and simplify in-house testing procedures and to help evaluate the need for more advanced thermal instrumentation tests.
The ST-2XL can be used on various seating and sleeping surfaces including mattresses, couches and seat cushions to evaluate the thermal properties and moisture management characteristics of materials.