Thermetrics LLC
Thermetrics designs and manufactures precision biophysical instruments for evaluating the thermal properties, thermal protection, and thermal comfort of textiles, garments, athletic and protective apparel, seats, beds, and dynamic thermal environments such as aircraft, truck, and automobile interiors.
Thermetrics growth into the textile testing industry began in 1988 with delivery of a Thermal Hand Manikin System, which was used to evaluate gloves and protective handwear. Thermal Manikin, Guarded hotplate, and flame test systems can now be found at testing/certification agencies, commercial/government test labs, and textile research centers world-wide.
Full Body / Body Parts / Automotive Manikin System
Full Body Manikin Systems
ANDI Thermal Manikin System
Newton Thermal Manikin System
Automotive HVAC Manikin
Seat Test Automotive Manikin
Body Parts Manikins
Integrated Chamber
Sweating Guarded Hotplate
Dry Guarded Hotplate
Dynamic Hotplate System